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Art Dufex
Art Dufex
Art Dufex
Khreschatik 44/5
Kiev 01001
New York
817 Broadway,
NY 10003
We often sell and send our greeting cards to this destinations. Austria Vienna, Belgium Brussels, Cyprus, Czech Republic Prague, Denmark Copenhagen, Estonia Tallinn, Finland Helsinki, France Paris, Georgia Tbilisi, Germany Berlin, Greece Athens, Hungary Budapest, Iceland Reykjavik, Ireland Dublin, Italy Rome, Latvia Riga, Liechtenstein Vaduz, Lithuania Vilnius, Luxembourg, Malta Valletta, Monaco, Montenegro Podgorica, Netherlands Amsterdam, Norway Oslo, Poland Warsaw, Portugal Lisbon, Slovakia Bratislava, Slovenia Ljubljana, Spain Madrid, Sweden Stockholm, Switzerland Bern, Turkey Ankara, United Kingdom UK London, USA United States New York, Washington, Chicago, Canada Toronto, Ottawa.Collectible Business Christmas Cards & Personal Holiday Cards for New Year. If you love outstanding, extraordinary and rare greeting cards are worth collecting, then you are in right place. Customize them with a special message. Stunning Art Dufex High Quality 3D Engraved foil card is exclusive handmade and a wonderful Christmas greeting for Xmas. Business Christmas cards and Corporate Holiday cards can be personalized with your company name & logo. Shop today and get an exclusive deal!
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